Agricultural Mechanization Courses
(AMS 801, AMS 803, AMS 805, AMS 807, AMS 809, AMS 811, AMS 800, AMS 802)
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ESC 804 Environmental Safety and Protection (2 Units) Major issues and public policy in environmental protection. Managerial problems associated...
CRP 802 Seed Production (2 Units) National and regional variety release systems in West African countries; ECOWAS Harmonized seed...
AES 810 Marketing and Agro-Industrial Supply Chain Management Marketing Concepts. Marketing Mix. Industrial Organization. Competition for Agricultural Products in...
CRP 806 Soil Fertility Management and Crop Nutrition (2 Units) Soil characterization, Soil mapping, Land use planning, Soil fertility...
ESC 802 Environmental Economics (1 Unit) Economics of water resources planning: Engineering economy; financial and economic analysis, Cost-benefit analysis...
Information Systems and Agricultural Knowledge Management Students will understand the reason why Information System Development is very important In...
AES 806 Applied Welfare Economics Review of measures of household welfare, willingness to pay, and notions of Pareto optimality,...