ESC 804 Environmental Safety and Protection (2 Units) Major issues and public policy in environmental protection. Managerial problems associated...
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ESC 802
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 802, 0ESC 802 Environmental Economics (1 Unit) Economics of water resources planning: Engineering economy; financial and economic analysis, Cost-benefit analysis...
ESC 813
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 813, 0ESC 813 Waste water management and Pollution Control (3 units) Water chemistry and water biology: Composition and characteristics of...
ESC 811
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 811, 0ESC 811 Remote Sensing, GIS and Land Management (3 units) Mapping, photo interpretation: Cartography, projections, Hydrological legends, Presentation on...
ESC 809
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 809, 0ESC 809 Climate Change Processes, history and Contemporary issues ( 2 units) An overview of Paleo-climatology; Atmospheric components ,...
ESC 807
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 807, 0ESC 807 Environmental Simulation and modeling (3 Units) Criteria for the use of data for modeling: Accuracy, Time intervals,...
ESC 810
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 810, 0ESC 810 Environmental Impact Assessment and Safeguard Policies This course introduces the methodology of environmental impact assessment (EIA) as...
ESC 808
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 808, 0ESC 808 Climate Change Impacts, Ecosystem Management and Sustainability (2 units) Climate change and disasters/hazards consequences (erosion, floods, storms, axis...
ESC 805
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 805, 0ESC 805 Hydrological Measurements and Analysis (3 Units) Hydrometric Networks: Gauging networks; design considerations; precipitation networks; evaporation networks; surface...
ESC 806
CEADESE FUNAAB, , Course Synopsis, Courses, Curriculum, Environmental Systems and Climate Change, ESC 806, 0ESC 806 Soil Processes Assessment and management (2 Units) Soils in the ecosystem, soil genesis and factors of soil...