General Studies Courses
(GSE 801, GSE 803)
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FPV 822 Advanced Quality Management (2 Units) Evolution of quality concepts, customer focus, total quality management, operational quality management,...
AES 904 Data Processing and Statistical Software and Packages Data Processing File Management and Organization, Components of data processing,...
APL 899Research Projects Seminars and Dissertations (4 Units)
APL 804 Ruminant Livestock Production Systems and Environmental Sustainability (2 Units) Land and livestock resources Characteristics of ruminant production...
AMS 804 Course Seminar (2 Units) Students shall write a report and present a seminar on topical issues related...
CRP 810 Engineering Application in Crop/Pasture Production (3 Units) Field mechanization: Land clearing operations; Tillage operations – ploughing,harrowing, planting;...
CRP 811 Crop/Pasture Processing Technology(3 units) Crop/ Pasture Harvesting Equipment: Traditional harvesting equipment; tractor, Mounted harvesters; combine harvester, Principles...
AMS 811 Farm Power and Machinery for Sustainable Environment (2 Units) Review of soil tillage operations and conventional tillage...