Agricultural Mechanization Courses
(AMS 801, AMS 803, AMS 805, AMS 807, AMS 809, AMS 811, AMS 800, AMS 802)
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AMS 801 Engineering Technology and Climate Change (3 Units) Agricultural activities and an thropogenic HYPERLINK global warming. Concept of...
Sustainable Integrated Livestock Farming Systems To develop an ability in the students to understand the term “Sustainable Agriculture” and...
AES 809 Ecology of Livestock, Food and Health Economics This course explores economic aspects of food safety, quality and...
CRP 812 New Frontiers in Crop Production (2 units) Marker Assisted Selection (MAS), DNA technology on tissue culture in...
APL 805 Environmental Physiology of Farm Animals (2 Units) Climate and livestock production. Influence of climatic factors on animal...
CRP 807 Physiology of Crop Production (2 units) Physiological mechanism underlying crop yield: growth, development, assimilate partitioning and carbon...
CRP 813 Pasture in farming systems and environmental management (2 units) Role of crop-livestock system in sustainable production, role...
ESC 808 Climate Change Impacts, Ecosystem Management and Sustainability (2 units) Climate change and disasters/hazards consequences (erosion, floods, storms, axis...