Adeola Eniola Ayano
ennieng@yahoo.com, 08028371678
I am Adeola Eniola Ayano a PhD AgSE student of Food Processing and Value Addition programme. The passion to combat food and nutrition insecurity in Africa originated myresearch interest inprocessing of wholesome food through value addition, fortification, supplementation and other nutritional avenues.Hence CEADESE objectives match my career desire. More importantly, I am able to generate research topic that add value to underutilized crop and animal products. Pleasantly, the opportunity to enjoy full sponsorship by World Bank Centre for Agricultural Development and Sustainable Environment forthe PhD degree to study Food Processing and Value Additionfacilitates my studies and research activities.
Now I have the opportunity to diversify processing of bambara groundnut and west African dwarf goat to healthier, novel and consumer acceptable food products thus add significance to the indigenous food products.