Obinka Chima Adebare
My name is ObinkaChimaAdebare, an M.AgSE (Agricultural Economics and Environmental Policy option) student at the Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and Sustainable Environmental (CEADESE), Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta FUNAAB. I hail from Nnewi-South Local Government Area, Anambra State, South-eastern Nigeria.
I had my first degree (B.Agric) in Agricultural Economics and Farm Management at the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta FUNAAB in November 2015, and then proceeded to obtain my second degree at the Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and Sustainable Environmental (CEADESE)
I chose to pursue my master’s degree at CEADESE because of the uniqueness the center possesses in the sense that before our research, we go on internship in Agricultural firms and industries. The essence of this internship is to be able to detect challenges these industries face, and to carry out a research that would bring about a lasting solution to such challenge. The research carried out by the student is borne out of actual problems being faced by industries. So I am not just carrying out a research for the sake of it, but actually carrying out a research to solve an already identified problem in the industries.
CEADESE also organizes workshops and seminars, bringing in experts from different countries to equip us with the skills necessary to combat these challenges faced by industries. The latest of such workshop was titled ‘CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT’ where our resource person, Dr Dressler Ofer of Galilee Institute Israel, was present.
There is nowhere else in Nigeria where such opportunities are made available at the post graduate level, and I am proud to be a student of CEADESE