My name is Olatunde Oderinwale, a Ph.D (Livestock Science and Sustainable Environment) student of the World Bank Africa Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and Sustainable Development (CEADESE), located in the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. I am the Student Representative for all the students undertaking different programmes in CEADESE.
CEADESE, which is a specialised programme in the University, Nigeria and the whole of Africa, is aimed at producing postgraduate students who have theoretical, practical and industrial-based experiences. The industrial-based experience is the most unique part of the programme which is not available in all the Universities offering postgraduate programmes in Nigeria.
The programme coupled with its uniqueness in lecture delivery has added so much value to me and my colleagues in the following areas:
i. All the programmes offered- Livestock Science and Sustainable Environment; Agricultural Development and Environmental Policy; Crop Improvement and Seed Enterprises; Food Processing and Value Addition; Hydrology and Climate Change; and Mechanised Agriculture and Sustainable Environment are available only as postgraduate disciplines in CEADESE in the whole of Nigerian Universities (and probably, Africa);
ii. Courses such as Information Systems and Agricultural Knowledge Management; International Trade and Commercial Policy; Climate Change and Agriculture; and Short English and French Language Courses are compulsory for all students of CEADESE. With these, I have learnt various aspects (both theoretical and practical) of Information System Development and Management; the interaction between climate and agriculture; how to trade internationally with some policies required; and I can now speak, read and write French Language, to an extent;
iii. Lectures were delivered in a conducive and serene environment at the International Scholars’ and Resource Centre. This has made other postgraduate students on campus to respect CEADESE students;
iv. Livestock-related courses were taught in a way that was thought-provoking by bearing in mind the impact of livestock production on the environment and the effect of the environment (especially Climate Change) on livestock production;
v. Students in different programmes have been sponsored by CEADESE for one academic conference or the other which is a plus to us;
vi. Lecturer-student interaction and sharing of experience in their different Universities and countries is a strong tool that ensures quality delivery of lectures;
vii. It is mandatory for all students of CEADESE to embark on a three-month industrial attachment, where practical/industrial experiences will be acquired. To this effect, I was posted to the Kalahari Red Goats Project Farm, IFSERAR, FUNAAB where I was exposed to feeding strategies of goats; goat grazing; paddock establishment and management; how to take some morphometric measurements on goats; health management of goats; and stock-taking; among others.
Conclusively, I will like to state that CEADESE has changed my orientation and mentality towards Livestock Production and other aspects of agriculture with a view of ‘sustaining our environment’.

Mr. Oderinwale at the Kalahari Red Goats Project Farm

Mr. Oderinwale with one of the Kalahari Red Bucks (Male goat)

Mr. Oderinwale in an office where veterinary drugs are kept at the Kalahari Red Goats Project Farm