ESC 813
Waste water management and Pollution Control (3 units)

Water chemistry and water biology: Composition and characteristics of surface and groundwater, Biochemical cycles, C , N, P and S, Main chemical and bacteriological water quality parameters, Introduction to instruments, Genetics, breeding of plants and animals, Ecosystems (principal system, baseline surveys), Aquatic ecology, Population dynamics, carrying capacity; Surface water quality: Factors affecting water quality and pollution by human, industrial and Agricultural wastes, Water quality criteria, Stratification and eutrophication in lakes and reservoirs, Thermal pollution, Self-purification, Water-related diseases, Water quality monitoring; water quality classification, accumulation of heavy metals and toxic organic metals in sediments; Groundwater quality: Processes determining groundwater quality, Sources of groundwater pollution and effects on groundwater quality (N-,P-organic micro-pollutants, heavy metals, nuclear wastes), Artificial groundwater recharge, Flow lines and residence time of polluted groundwater, Leaching from waste disposals, Protection of groundwater, sanitation and prevention, Groundwater quality monitoring, sampling techniques. Soil conservation and erosion control: Continental erosion and sediment transport to the ocean, Factors affecting surface erosion, Soil loss tolerance, Surface and linear erosion control, Wind erosion, erosion modeling. Environmental impact assessment: Environmental conservation and public health objective for water resources and civil engineering projects, Environmental planning and conservation strategies, Land use and soil conservation; groundwater protection Case studies (implementation of irrigation schemes; dam construction; land reclamation), Identification, prediction and assessment of environmental impacts.



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