CRP 810
Engineering Application in Crop/Pasture Production (3 Units)

Field mechanization: Land clearing operations; Tillage operations – ploughing,harrowing, planting; Equipment for mechanized agricultural production – The tractor and accessory implements, Conservation agriculture equipment; Intensive mechanization equipment for large-scale farming Irrigation: Classifications & types of irrigation system; Merits & demerits of irrigation system; Criteria for the selection of irrigation system; water use efficiency; Crop water requirements, crop coefficient, field water requirements, field irrigation methods; irrigation scheduling, conveyance structures, Soil, water and plant relationship.
Drainage: Principles of soil and land drainage; Surface drainage, drainage methods, crop row drain system, Subsurface drainage criteria, Drainage and erosion control, Drainage types and classifications; selection of drainage systems. Soil and water conservation on cropland, Soil and water conservation on pasture and rangeland.
Flood control: Causes of food; Flood and associated disasters; Identification of flood-prone areas; Climate change and flood; Flood control techniques and facilities.  Farm structures for crop/pasture production: Dams, canals and other hydraulic systems; Farm workshop for equipment servicing, repairs and maintenance; Storage structures for crops and hays, Selection criteria for the location of farm structures and construction materials.


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