Sustainable Integrated Livestock Farming Systems

To develop an ability in the students to understand the term “Sustainable Agriculture” and its necessity in our contemporary times.  To teach the three goals of sustainable agriculture viz, Environmental health, Economic profitability and Social and economic equity and to develop ability in students to make distinctions between these goals. The students have to be clear on the interrelationships between farming and natural resources of Energy, Air and Soil and emphasis laid on efficient use of these and other inputs to ensure lasting sustainability To take the students through the principles guiding selection of various plant production practices as they relate to sustainability up to the level of clear understanding. To take the students through the principles guiding selection of various animal production practices as they relate to sustainability up to the level of clear understanding. To develop in students ability to do a case study of integrated farming systems and to come up with their own observations, criticisms and probable ways of improving the system.

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