APL 808
Poultry Nutrition and Organic Animal   Agriculture (2 unit)

Feed resources and nutrient quality of ingredients for poultry feeding
standards/NRC requirement vs requirements in tropics for all classes of
and/specie of poultry. Methods for metabolic studies and determination of
protein utilization and quality of proteins utilized by poultry. Importance of vitamins and minerals for poultry and associated deficiency symptoms.

  • Definitions and general principles of Organic Livestock Nutrition
  • Nutritional management standards in organic farm
  • General principles of conversion from conventional to organic
    livestock nutrition
  • Prospects and challenges of organic livestock nutrition
  • Nutrition: feeding standards and characteristics of feed resources for
    organic farm animal
  • Organic feed formulation and compounding, feed preservation and
  • Housing: housing standards and materials, adaptation and
    ecosystem, perimeter fencing and predator control
  • Organic livestock nutrition system and health management
  • Manure and waste management composting, ensilage
  • Management of mitigating environmental greenhouse gases in
    organic farming systems


Rendering of organic manure production from litters





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