FPV 897
Thesis Seminar I – (1 Unit)
This is essentially a pre-data seminar on the research focus of the student’s project covering the title, objectives and scope of the work, review of relevant literature, experimental design and methodology.
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This is essentially a pre-data seminar on the research focus of the student’s project covering the title, objectives and scope of the work, review of relevant literature, experimental design and methodology.
FPV 804 Planning and Analysis of Experiments (2 Units) Basic concept of experimentation: experimental variables and Statistical procedure, data...
APL 805 Environmental Physiology of Farm Animals (2 Units) Climate and livestock production. Influence of climatic factors on animal...
AES 801 Advanced Agricultural Economics (Micro & Macro) Fundamental principles & tools of economic analysis; Price theory, theory of...
APL 809 Sheep and Goat Production Enterprises (2 units) Some considerations in raising sheep and goats. Breeds of sheep...
AES 810 Marketing and Agro-Industrial Supply Chain Management Marketing Concepts. Marketing Mix. Industrial Organization. Competition for Agricultural Products in...
APL 808 Poultry Nutrition and Organic Animal Agriculture (2 unit) Feed resources and nutrient quality of ingredients for poultry...
APL 802 Tropical Livestock Feed Resource and Commercial Feed Milling (3 Units) Conventional, alternative and new feed resources. Tropical...
AES 808 Farm Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Application of concepts and tools of Farm Business Management in Farm Planning...