Dada Olusayo Babalola

Dada Olusayo Babalola

I am Dada Olusayo Babalola, a  M.AgSE student of the 2016/2017 set in the Crop pasture production and sustainable environment option. I graduated from theDepartment of Crop Protection with the option of plant virology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. OgunState. Nigeria. My research focus is in the field of plant biotechnology with an approach to solving plant viral diseases. I am working on cucurbit and identification of varieties with resistant genes to prominent viral diseases in south western Nigeria. I have had the opportunity to auditcourses that gave adequate exposure to climate change issues and matters arising in the world as regards sustainability and ways of working out probable solutions to such issues. I will also receive financial support that will increase the tentacles of my research and help me to passionately achieve my goals and aspirations.



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