Dada Muftau

Dada Muftau

I am Dada Muftau, a master student from Africa Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and sustainable Environment (CEADESE) anchored at the federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. I studied Crop Improvement and Seed Enterprise Development. I am one the studentsin the first cohort admitted by CEADESE (2014/2015 set). Also,Assistant Student Representative.

As the name of the centre implies, sustainable development consciousness is a priority. At CEADESE, It is no longer acceptable to advance the frontiers of lopsided economic development at the detriment of humanity’s future. The international scope of CEADESE, has made the centre to develop well-timed, motivated, well-equipped and excellence-propelled academic curriculumthat requires decisive options of strengthening and equipping the student while technically restructuring the educational system to make it more effective.

CEADESE has given me the leverage to understand that Sustainable Development of the agricultural sector is a tripod that must stand on economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and socio-cultural equity if the true impact must be felt. As student of CEADESE here lies my experiences: conducive learning environment with innovative instructional methods, multi-disciplinary approach to learning, internship opportunities to identify gaps, lecturers from industries to share on-site experience in classes, access to well-equipped laboratories and library, un-interrupted internet access, access to high impact journals as guide, opportunity to publish my research work in high impact journal, opportunity to attend workshops and conferences to strengthen my knowledge base and international exposure.My exposure at CEADESE is no doubt overwhelming and I can boldly say the Centre have done justice to what it stands for.


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