CRP 807
Physiology of Crop Production (2 units)

Physiological mechanism underlying crop yield: growth, development, assimilate partitioning and carbon economy, Canopy carbon assimilatory process and effect of environmental factors; light (Photosynthetic photon flux density), water and nutrient availability, Irradiance response curve model and analysis of canopy carbon assimilation, Canopy architecture and carbon assimilation, coefficient of extinction, LAI, Sunlighted leaf area, leaf orientation and canopy carbon assimilation, Leaf area duration, relative leaf growth rate, Canopy respiration and yield; growth and maintenance respiration, factors affecting them and implication towards yield, Carbon balance and yield, Stress physiology and ameliorative process, Water balance: water deficit and fooding. Physiology of crop response, adaptation and acclimation and its consequent on crop yield, water use efficiency and yield. Irrigation and yield, Energy balance: UV and other lethal electromagnetic radiation, shading. Physiology of crop response and effect on yield. Radiation use efficiency and yield. Nutrient response curve, indicating different zones of uptake; deficiency, poverty adjustment, luxury consumption and toxicity zone with emphasis on essential macro nutrients. Nutrient use efficiency; nutrient uptake and utilization, dimensions of nutrient use efficiency (Agronomy, Partial factor productivity, Physiological, internal, recovery and economic nutrient efficiency). Iron and aluminium toxicity specifically in rice production and its implication on crop yield. Fertiliser application (inorganic and organic agriculture) and crop yield, Effect of reactive oxygen species on crop yield, Crop Ecophysiology and Introductory crop modeling, Environmental factors and crop yield, System theory, system dynamics concepts and principles, Crop simulation models in Agricultural research and management, Fundamentals of DSSAT model, Yield analysis of some selected eld crops; yield component of some selected arable crops and its implication towards yield formation, Physiological bases of agronomic management practises; spacing, fertiliser application, irrigation, variation in planting date etc.




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