ACE 802

Information Systems and Agricultural Knowledge Management (3 units)

Information Systems- Analysis, Design, implementation, and management
of a computer-based information system that support a wide spectrum of key policy and investment priorities for effective Agriculture. Agricultural Knowledge Management – Basic concept of Agricultural Knowledge & Knowledge Management system(KMS) life cycle, exploration of tacit knowledge creation and capture, codication of knowledge and implementing systems to make use of knowledge base, technical aspects of
Knowledge Management in Agriculture – Business Intelligence and Data Analytics techniques – data mining, Knowledge-based/ Expert systems,
Machine learning, fuzzy-logic, data visualization, content management
systems and Web 2.0 technologies. Laboratory Practical: Hands–on productivity software Applications- Word processing, Database, Spreadsheet, presentation & Graphics software, GIS mapping Software, OLAP (on-line Analytical Processing), use of statistical packages e.g. SAS /SPSS, Matlab software tool boxes e.g. Bioinformatics, fuzzy-logic etc.


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