OLANLOYE SILIFAT ADEWUNMI, PG/08/0052                                   

O813779130, E-mail silifatadewunmi @yahoo.com

PhD AgSE student in Livestock science and Sustainable Environment, World Bank Centre of Excellence and sustainable environment (CEADESE), Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, 2013/2014 SET. Nationality: Nigeria

 1999-2003: B. Agric Animal Nutrition, 2008-2011: M. Agric Animal Nutrition, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, 2004: Certificate of National Service 1994-1997: N.C.E, Federal College of Education, Osiele, Abeokuta, Ogun-State.

Thesis Title : Implication of single and Multi-Enzyme                                                               Supplementation on Cassoya Diets in Broiler Chickens (Funded by CEADESE)

Supervisors: Dr .A.O. Fafiolu, Prof O. O. Oluwatosin and Dr L.T. Egbeyale.

During my PhD, I took courses on climate change and Agriculture, information Systems and Agricultural Knowledge Management, Short French Language course, Animal behaviour and  welfare dynamics in a changing climate and International  trade and  Commercial policy. I did Intership at Obasanjo Farm Limited Igbo-Ora Oyo State I attended Seminars and workshop  on Agricultural Information Systems Development and  International Short Course on Advanced Techniques in Poultry Nutrition Research, organized by the centre.

Skills Aquired: feed mill operations, hatchery operations,  general poultry production system, animal welfare and poultry management practices such as  brooding,artificial insemination etc, adaptation of animal to change in climate, Computing skill, Teaching skill, Time management,  writing skill

My PhD in CEADESE, enable me to achieve something significant, To discover and learn something new in agriculture, improve my abilities to understand and solve problems in monogastric nutrition, increase my confidence, make me a better communicator and self reliance through the skills  acquired in livestock science, the programme exposed me to  practical knowledge in animals production and   push me  to a new height,  makes  me to  learn and use   skill acquire to their full capacity, in future it will enable me  to enter academia ,To make my opinion in animal production valid, my contribution will benefit the society , It will gives me the chance to earn more.       

Brief synopsis of Research

High feed cost is the predominant factor militating against poultry production. There is need to evaluate non convectional ingredients for their potentials in poultry feed. Three studies were conducted to evaluate the utilization of cassoya based diets (mixture of cassava root meal and full-fat soybean in ratio 60:40) supplemented with enzyme for broiler chickens. In Experiment 1, relationship between chemical composition of cassava products and prediction model were developed. Experiment 2 (E2) and 3 (E3) involved the use of 600 day-old  ROSS 308 broiler chickens for each study. The birds were allotted to 6 dietary treatments (T) for 42 days with 100 birds per treatment and 5 replicates, in a 2×3 factorial arrangement, T1 – T3 in both experiments contained  cassoya  at 0, 50 and 100% without enzyme in both experiments while T4 – T6 had protease enzyme  in E2 and  multi-enzyme 10g/tonne in E3. Data were subjected to Analysis of Variance in a Completely Randomized Design. The study concluded that 50% cassoya diets supplemented with enzymes enhanced growth performance, carcass characteristics, gut morphology and ileal digesta viscosity with maximum profit



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