KAREEM Simbiat Oluwabusayo
My name is Kareem simbiat Oluwabusayo. I am a Nigerian and I belonged to the 2014/2015 M. AgSE set of students of the Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and Sustainable Environment, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
My M.AgSE research was fully funded by the centre, the research was based on “Effects of feeding times on total egg production, fertility and hatchability of broiler chicken breeders in Igbo-ora South-West Nigeria. I defended my M.AgSE dissertation July 2017 and decide to continue my PhD with the Centre for the 2017/2018 PhD set. I choose the Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and Sustainable Environment programme because of the involvement of the World Bank in various researches around the world.
This gave an international standard and status to the research and programme as a whole. I also offered international courses on Climate Change, French language, Information Systems among others. The programme also involved internship as part of the research, where students were involved with the industries, look for challenges in the industries and let the focus of the research be on providing a solution to the challenge. This I did with Obasanjo Farms Nigeria, one of the biggest farms in Africa during my M.AgSE study.
This makes the research not just for record keeping but for providing applicable solutions to the industries and the public in general. The programme was also an opportunity of meeting and networking with international students, that is, students from other nationals and now, I have friends from other parts of the world, this I am proud of.