IDOWU-MOGAJI Grace Oluwatoyin

IDOWU-MOGAJI Grace Oluwatoyin

Name:             IDOWU-MOGAJI, Grace Oluwatoyin

Date of Birth:        29th September, 1971

Matric Number:       PG/16/0332

E – mail Address:

Telephone number:  +2347059270371

Course – in – View:   M. AgSE

Department:   Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and Sustainable Environment(CEADESE), FUNAAB, Abeokuta.

Programme:   Food Processing and Value Addition.

Supervisor:              Dr. O. P. Sobukola

Co-Supervisor:   Prof. T. Shittu

Academic Qualification with Date

  • West African School Certificate 1988
  • Higher National Diploma in Food Technology, Federal Polytechnic  Ado – Ekiti                                                                                                        1995
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Science)         1999
  • Master of Social Work in Health Social Work, University of Ibadan         2007
  • Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology, Joseph Ayo Babalola University Ikeji – Arakeji, Osun State.                              2016

Professional Bodies with Date

  1. Associate Member, Nigerian Institute of Science and Technology (A.M.N.I.S.T) 1999
  2. Member, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology 2001

Conferences and Workshops Attended with Dates

  1. Computer Trainning (Basic &Advance ICT Techniques),  University of Ibadan                                                                           2009
  1. Laboratory Method of Water Sampling Analysis & Pollution Control by NIST                                                                2009
  • Nigerian Women in Agriculture Research for Development 2017
  1. Food Processing Workshop orgainized by CEADESE           2017
  2. Conference: Nigerian Insitute of Food Science Technology(NIFST)                                                          2017
  1. Scientific Experimental Design and Report Writing Workshop Organized by (CEADESE)                                                                2017


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