
To produce world class students with knowledge in Crop /pasture production with a well balanced education and industrial experience. The graduates must be such that they can be self-reliant in all aspects of crop production, particularly; forage, crop improvement, crop protection, crop processing and agronomy, and the student is tailored to be a job creator and not job seeker with sufficient industrial background to the current need of today’s industry and practice.


  • To inculcate into our students that crop and pasture production should be viewed and practiced with agro–business inclination.
  • To promote professional development of graduates in Agriculture, by providing students with understanding and hands-on experience of different discipline within the realms of crop/pasture production.
  • To develop crop varieties that are adaptable to our various biotic and abiotic stresses of the environment.
  • To train students who will focus on research and development in crop/pasture production.
  • To train students to meet the industrial need and achieve enhanced entrepreneurial skills.

Degrees to be Awarded

  • M.AgSE (Crop/Pasture Production and Sustainable Environment)
  • PhD. AgSE (Crop Production, Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Crop Pathology, Crop Protection, Crop Entomology, Pasture Agronomy and Pasture Production).

Links to Related Information

List of Courses


First Semester Courses

Course Code Course Acronyms Course Title Credit Unit
CRP 801 CROPSYS Cropping Systems 2
CRP 803 PRINCDEV Principles of Cultivar Development 3
CRP 805 CROPPROT Crop Protection and Productivity 2
CRP 807 PHYSCRPD Physiology of Crop Production 2
CRP 809 PASPREUZ Pasture Production, Evaluation and Utilization 3
CRP 811 CROPPTEC Crop/Pasture Processing Technology 3
CRP 895 CEADESE3 Seminar I 1
Total 16

Second Semester Courses

Course Code Course Acronyms Course Title Credit Unit
CRP 802 SEEDPROD Seed Production 2
CRP 804 FIELDEXP Field Experimentation 2
CRP 806 SOILFMCN Soil Fertility Management and Crop Nutrition 2
CRP 808 AGROECPP Agronomy, Ecology and Physiology of Pastures 3
CRP 810 ENGRACPP Engineering Application in Crop/Pasture Production 3
CRP 894 CEADESE9 Internship Reports 2
CRP 896 CEADES10 Seminar II 1
CRP 899 CEADES11 Dissertation 6
Total 21

Total Units for M.AgSE = 37 Units minimum in addition to the Centre’s Courses

Elective Courses (maximum of 2 elective courses of 2 units each)

CRP 812 (NEWFCRPR) : New Frontiers in Crop Production (2 units)
CRP 813 (PASTFSEM): Pasture in farming systems and environmental management (2

CRP 814 (BIOMGENS): Biometrical Genetics (2 units)


First Semester Courses

Course Code Course Acronyms Course Title Credit Unit
CRP 995 CEADES1 3 Seminar I 1
CRP 997 CEADES1 6 Seminar III 2
Total 3

Second Semester Courses

Course Code Course Acronyms Course Title Credit Unit
CRP 994 CEADES 12 Internship Reports 4
CRP 996 CEADES 14 Seminar II 1
CRP 999 CEADES 18 Thesis 10
Total 15

Total Units for PhD. AgSE = 18 Units minimum in addition to the Centre’s Courses

For Non –FUNAAB Graduates: Courses to be audited will be determined by the
Programme Leader based on transcript provided.


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