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NAME:                        OLANLOYE Silifat  Adewunmi
MATRIC NO:            PG 08/0052
CENTRE:                    Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and Sustainable Environment
PROGRAMME:          Livestock Science and Sustainable Environment
DATE OF DEFENCE: September 27th 2018
SESSION                      2014 / 2015


High feed cost is the predominant factor militating against poultry production. There is need to evaluate non convectional ingredients for their potentials in poultry feed. Three studies were conducted to evaluate the utilization of cassoya based diets (mixture of cassava root meal and full-fat soybean in ratio 40: 60) supplemented with enzyme for broiler chickens. In Experiment 1, relationship between chemical composition of cassava by-products was determined using correlation analysis.  Prediction models for evaluating amino acid contents of cassava products from their crude protein were developed using stepwise multiple regression analyses; Experiment 2 (E2)  and 3 (E3) involved the use of  600 day-old  ROSS 308 broiler chickens for each study. The birds were allotted to 6 dietary treatments (T) for 42 days with 100 birds per treatment and 5 replicates, in a 2×3 factorial arrangement, T1 – T3 in both experiments contained  cassoya  at 0, 50 and 100% without enzyme in both experiments while T4 – T6 had protease enzyme  in E2 and  multi-enzyme 10g/tonne in E3. Data on growth performance, carcass characteristics, digestibility, gut morphology, ileal viscosity and blood indices were collected Data were subjected to Analysis of Variance in a Completely Randomized Design. In root, leaf and peel, positive and negative correlations existed between their chemical components and amino acid content at 1 and 5% level of significance. Prediction equations generated values were much close to the actual values obtained. In experiment 2: Cassoya supplemented with protease enzyme significantly influenced (p<0.05) all the parameters except protein efficiency ratio.  Birds fed T4 (1736.8 g) and T5  (1738.7 g) had highest (p<0.05) final live weight (FLW).  Dietary treatment had significant effect (p<0.05) on feed conversion ratio and ranged between 2.10 g (T5) and 3.14 g (T3). Feed cost/ kg feed varied significantly (p<0.05) with least values in T3 (N109.73) and highest in T4 (N151.10). Birds on T5 recorded the least Feed cost/ kg weight gain (CPWG). Treatments had significant (p<0.05) on all haematological parameters except packed cell volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration. Haemoglobin concentration (10.54 g/dl), total protein (6.72 g/dl) and crude protein digestibility (72.16 %) were higher (p<0.05) in birds on T5. Birds on T1 had the highest (p<0.05) cholesterol (101.64 mg/dl). Birds on enzyme supplemented diets recorded the highest values (p<0.05) for carcass weight and gut morphology. In experiment 3: Cassoya diets supplemented with carbohydrase although costly T4 (N157.9) gave improved FLW (2040 g), daily weight gain (58.87 g). Feed conversion ratio were significantly (p<0.05) improved in T4, T5 and T6 while CPWG (N257.62) was significantly lower (p<0.05) in T5. The highest WBC, intestinal weight and liver were observed in T6 and T3 respectively. A significantly (p<0.05) higher digesta viscosity at 100 rpm was found in T1 (7.66 cp). The study concluded that 50% cassoya diets supplemented with enzymes enhanced growth performance, carcass characteristics, gut morphology and ileal digesta viscosity with maximum profit.



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